Popularity points will be collected each month and three players with the highest popularity scores will receive special rewards and be inducted into the 👑Hall of Fame
Popularity point can be earned from
Buildings that give 👑Popularity
Purchase from the marketplace
Quest completion
Event completion
Every time another player visits your land, you will obtain 1 popularity point
At the start of every month, popularity points will reset according to the table below but will not drop lower than the total value of popularity points obtained from all their Decoration combined. (see Example 1)
Popularity points
Popularity points reset rate
10,001 - 50,000
50,001 - 100,000
The reset rate (decrease) of popularity points will be scaled. For example, a player with 75,000 popularity points will have a reset rate of 25% and will end up with 56,250 at the start of the month.
Example 1
Player A has 100,000 popularity points only from their Decoration.
If player A has a combined total of 110,000 popularity points at the end of the month, a 30% reset rate will be applied.
However, since player A's popularity points from their Decoration is 100,000, player A will have 100,000 points at the start of the month (instead of 77,000) because a player's popularity points cannot go below the total from their decorations.
Example 2
Player B has 100,000 popularity points only from their Decoration.
If player B spent their popularity points for various interactions and has 50,000 points remaining at the end of a month, they will not have their points reset by 10% (down to 45,000 points) as their remaining points is less than that of their total Decoration popularity points.
Last updated