Mining Machine
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Players will be able to mine resources or craft materials once the appropriate machines are built. Machines must be installed to the correct factory (ie. Installing a Mining machine to a Mining factory) before being able to operate.
Mining machines mine resources from the Land. Mining machines must be installed to its corresponding factory type to operate it.
For example, 'Mining Machine - Rock' must be installed to a 'Mining Factory - Rock' in order to start mining for rock resources.
Crafting Machines grants players the ability to craft various materials as long as they have an applicable blueprint. Crafting Machines must be installed to its corresponding Crafting Factory type before being able to operate.
For example, if players want to craft 'Metal' category materials, 'Crafting Machine - Metal' must be installed to a 'Crafting Factory - Metal' in order for the machine to be able to operate.
Machine Category are categorised in the same way as
Exp can be obtained through claiming crafted items. Once the Exp gauge of a machine is full, the machine can be upgraded which will enhance its stats.
Machines have 4 rarity tiers: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary. The higher the rarity, the better the base stats of the machine.
The efficiency value of a machine. Mining machines with higher power will mine resources faster while Crafting machines with higher power will craft materials faster.
Max Durability
Maximum durability points of a machine.
Fuel type
Each machine will have its own fuel requirements (water, oil, Electric).
Fuel refill capacity
The amount of fuel that can be filled at a machine before having to be refilled
If fuel runs out, the machine's operations will be stopped until refilled
Popularity Cost
To install machines with a rare rarity or above, popularity points will have to be spent.
Limitation Repair
After repairing a machine for a certain number of times, the machine will be destroyed and lost. Legendary machines will have no limit to the number of times it can be repaired.
Repairing a machine will cause corrosion. Corrosion causes the machine's overall Power to reduce by 1%. Corrosion does not affect Legendary machines.
Activate Machine - Starts the machine's operations. Fuel must be sufficient for mining machines to activate whereas items required for crafting must be sufficient for crafting machines to activate.
Level Upgrade - Once a machine's Exp gauge is full, its level can be upgraded by spending upgrade fragment Items. This enhances various stats of the machine and improves its overall efficiency.
Repair Machine - Machines are repairable once their durability has decreased. Durability is decreased as a machine is in operation or from Disaster
Fuel Machine - Players must constantly refuel machines in order to keep it operating. There are 3 types of fuel in the game consisting of Water, Oil, and Electricity. Each machine will require a specific type of fuel for it to operate.
Awakening increases the rarity of a machine by 1 stage and increases the base stats of the machine such as Power, Max durability, Max fuel, etc.
Awakening resets the number of times a machine can be repaired
Players must have a level 2 research centre Utility Building
Combine 2 identical machines that the player owns with the same rarity and the highest levels
Pay the required amount of Craft Cash to for Awakening
The required amount of Workers must be met
Each machine will require a type of fuel to operate it. Each type of fuel has its own benefits & drawbacks.
Machine will work at 75% its Power
Releases the least quantity of Carbon System
Durability of machines that use water decreases at the lowest rate
Machine will work at 125% its Power
Releases the highest quantity of Carbon System
Durability of machines that use oil decreases at the fastest rate
Machine will work at 100% its Power
Releases a moderate quantity of Carbon System
Durability of machines that use electricity decreases at a medium rate
-If durability reaches 0, the machine cannot operate until repaired -Durability will constantly decrease while in operation. -Fuel used for operating a machine also affects its durability -Legendary machines will not have its durability reduced through operating. (but can be decreased from )