For our first project currently in development, CRAFT DEFI, players will experience the game as a land owner who is determined in upgrading their land, mine resources, and obtain rare materials & collectables. The game will be developed with modern and appealing graphics. Players will have the ability to sell their properties or items onto our Economic system, designed to maintain financial stability and build trust among other players within our ecosystem. By selling onto our economic system, players will earn NORLA coin as a currency to exchange for NFTs, Land, and other activities or events that the development team have planned for in the future.
CRAFT Corp Introduction
As a result of the integration of small developer teams in Thailand that specialises in game design and blockchain technology, CRAFT Corporation was founded and is located in ‘Town in town’, Bangkok. At CRAFT Corporation, we aspire to enhance the level of our developers and partners by bringing together our experiences and skills to create innovative projects within the gaming industry. We are committed to being a leading figure in our domestic gaming industry with the development of Meta Construction and with this profound potential, we strive to push this industry to be recognised on a global level. We believe that this ambition of ours at CRAFT Corporation will be an important step in creating a foundation for us to provide opportunities for up-and-coming individuals or groups of developers that wish to pursue their goal of developing gaming projects and help us contribute to the gaming industry.
With the integration of Blockchain technology into our projects, we are creating a ‘play to earn’ experience to create a unique gaming experience and reward our players for their time invested into our games. However, satisfaction of our players and the longevity of our projects take the utmost priority and thus, our primary focus during development is to ensure that our games come with an entertaining and interactive experience while playing whereas the ‘play to earn’ aspect will serve as a bonus reward. Our goal of developing entertaining games is further backed by the assistance we will receive from our partner companies which previously had successful experiences in developing games within the horror, simulation, and action genres. All of our projects will be free to play and every player will have the opportunity to obtain currency while playing our games.
At CRAFT Corporation, once we have successfully established our own blockchain and currency exchange system, we aim to support and provide opportunities for other willing game-fi developers by sharing our API. By doing so, we hope to expand our ecosystem by having developers that we provided our API for integrate their project into our circuit. Furthermore, games within our circuits will be able to use CRAFT COIN, a type of utility token (digital asset) issued by CRAFT Corporation, as a governance currency which will be interchangeable between in game currencies for each game.
Game Overview
Craft Defi strives to be an open community game with the potential to attract many different groups of players through monetary/token incentives, we expect to see players who are invested this game mainly for entertainment purposes, whereas on the opposite extreme, certain groups of players may only be interested in the monetary/profitable gains while playing.
Since our objective is to make the game an enjoyable environment for every player, we aim to balance and cater towards the concept of ‘the more time invested into the game, the more benefits/rewards the player will receive.
Game concept
Craft Defi is a resource management & crafting game with the addition of a trading & exchange function with other players or the system through the marketplace system. The main appeal of our game is the ability for players to earn monetary rewards, in the form of materials, throughout their playtime of Craft Defi as most items will be exchangeable for NORLA coin. Players will have complete freedom in deciding how to approach the game, ranging from becoming a resource farmer, a proficient trader, a master crafter, etc.
Players will be sent from Earth onto an empty plot of land in a different planet with their mission being to create the greatest civilization by garner resources, building and upgrading their land. Players with the highest 👑Popularity points will have their name inducted into each season's 👑Hall of Fame.
Free To Play
Players may elect to purchase land and various items to speedup and enhance their experience of Craft Defi. However, there will be various quests, activities and content within the game in which every player can equally enjoy and participate in.