Mining Factory
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Resource mining is a crucial gameplay element in Craft Defi and one of the most direct methods of obtaining Resource. Resources are required for certain events and is also used for crafting.
Mining Factory is a Building that can be built on a land. Mining Factories collect and temporarily hold resources that are mined from . Players must manually claim the mined resources held at Mining Factories to move the resources into the before being able to use these resources for other means.
A starting Mining Factory will be available for every player. Starting factories cannot be sold or transferred into NFTs.
The rarity tier of a Mining Factory can be enhanced through 'Awakening'. This can be performed by having the required amount of Workers & [BEP-20]Vira Token and combining two factories with the highest level and the same rarity. Awakening will result in a new factory with a rarity tier increased by one stage of the combined factories.